Catalog Search Results
1) Aged Care
Preparing meals that meet the individual requirements of elderly people is a challenge, especially when patients or clients can no longer look after themselves. This program provides senior-care trainees and specialists with helpful diet information and strategies for getting older people to eat properly. Topics include basic and specific nutritional needs, portion sizes, appropriate meal frequency, and the importance of avoiding pre-packaged and...
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Latest research shows that from 70,000 to 80,000 women die each year as a direct cause of preeclampsia which is a life-threatening condition that occurs during pregnancy. The condition is characterized by high blood pressure (hypertension) and elevated protein in the urine leading to restricted blood supply to the fetus. Everything we know about this condition suggests women do not become sick and present with preeclampsia until late in pregnancy,...
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In the United States, some 10% of people who wish to have children struggle with infertility. NOVA explores barriers to fertility, from the social to the biological, and the state of assisted reproductive technologies. Follow the journeys of people navigating challenges from structural inequalities and racism to falling sperm counts, egg freezing, and IVF.
Pub. Date
[2009], c2008
Medical technology bestows a diagnostic power with thorny consequences: depending on what the test results reveal, parents and doctors can decide whether or not to let a pregnancy run its course. By following three couples dealing with high-risk pregnancies at a hospital in France, this program gets inside the complex decision-making process used by doctors and obstetrics specialists, as well as how they present their recommendations to the parents...
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A mysterious, chronic kidney disease is wreaking havoc on farm workers in Central America—particularly those who harvest sugar. Despite the risks, Salvadoran cane cutters continue the grueling work, pushed by economic troubles. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports on how some are trying to improve work conditions in El Salvador.
Pub. Date
[2011], c2008
Chronic kidney disease is nearly as common as diabetes-the major cause of CKD-affecting one in every nine adults. This program lets viewers know who is most at risk as it outlines the five stages of the disease, and the causes and conditions associated with it. Patients who were surprised to learn they have renal failure speak frankly about dialysis and the benefits and limitations of kidney transplant, while a young woman diagnosed with CKD as an...
Schizoaffective disorder is a form of psychosis and a mental illness in which a person experiences a combination of schizophrenia symptoms. People affected often have hallucinations or delusions, as well as mood disorder symptoms such as mania or depression. We meet Lynne Fisher, whose life was turned upside down by the onset of this illness, as she battled through five years of symptoms to find a treatment plan that enables her to live a constructive...
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[2006], c2003
Often mistaken for less debilitating problems, interstitial cystitis is a serious and painful disease of the bladder lining that, if not properly treated, can ruin a patient's life. This program explores the challenge that IC presents to physicians-specifically, the difficulties of diagnosing it-and features therapies and support organizations that have greatly reduced, and may one day eliminate, the agony of IC. Dr. Lowell Parson, a UCSD professor...
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[2008], c2006
Difficulty in conceiving a child is becoming an increasingly common problem for many couples. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infertility affects more than 6 million men and women in the United States. As this program shows, infertility can be frustrating, mysterious, and difficult to cope with-however, advances in assisted reproductive technology are also highlighted, demonstrating that many couples are eventually able...
This program explains the principles of assisting people with speech, hearing, or vision impairments. Various speech impediments are explored, such as misshapen palate, spastic dysarthria, and dysphasia due to stroke or Parkinson's disease. Speech pathologists are shown working with individuals who have speech or hearing impairments. Excellent computer animation is used to show the two major forms of hearing loss, conductive and sensorineural deafness,...
Pub. Date
[2006], c2006
Rachel has lost six pregnancies-but a London medical center is giving her a fighting chance at motherhood. This program records a year inside the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at St. Mary's Hospital, a facility renowned for its state-of-the-art treatment. Underscoring the cautious optimism that the clinic has inspired in thousands of couples, the program details pregnancy planning and care for Rachel and two other women who are painfully familiar with...
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[2005], c1990
This program explores the most common types of birth defects, covering the major classifications: malformations present at birth, inborn errors of metabolism, blood disorders, and prenatal damage. The video also includes information on the prevention of birth defects, with an emphasis placed on the importance of good prenatal care.
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[2010], c2009
Although many men have prostate cancer-a disease that occurs in two thirds of all men by the age of 80-there is a culture of silence among patients that stifles conversation about it. The complexities of the illness, the disease's location, and potential post-treatment side effects such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction have left them at a loss for words. But the Internet is changing that. In this program, three prostate cancer patients explain...
One million Americans are living with Parkinson’s disease. Medications can help with the symptoms and for some patients deep brain stimulation or DBS works to control the tremors. Now doctors are using focused ultrasound to target the area of the brain causing the problems. The challenge doctors are facing is that they have only been able to perform the procedure on one side of the brain meaning the patient would only have improvement on one side...
16) Rx Health
Most of the 70 students at this unique school in Irvine, California have ADHD, autism, or anxiety issues. The school’s curriculum is based on extensive research from the NIH and the University of California. Find out how these kids are learning life lessons that will help them just as much as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Pub. Date
[2005], c2000
Babies born more than three months prematurely have low chances of survival, and a preemie that beats the odds may face serious-even lifelong-medical issues. This video describes the battle for life in a high-tech neonatal care unit and how parents of preemies can find support.
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