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Tests and papers. Routine homework. Reading assignments. Athletics. Clubs. Social life. Keeping up with all of these aspects of typical teen life in the 21st century can be hard. Life moves fast, and the temptation to find short cuts is strong. Some teens have turned to using so-called study drugs to give them the boost they think they need to keep up. Study drugs, such as Adderall or Ritalin, typically prescribed for people suffering from attention-deficit/hyperactivity...
4) You Can Quit
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This shows the benefit for your baby by quitting smoking. It also shows the harms that can happen to your baby if you do not quit.
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Like any other addiction, nicotine addiction doesn't happen overnight. Over time, smoking will cause very serious long-term effects. Stop Smoking Today provides an understanding of how nicotine impacts the body, its role in disease, and practical ways to quit smoking forever.
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As the Director of Treatment and Recovery Research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Dr. Mark Willenbring works to shed light on a range of substance abuse issues. In this program, Dr. Willenbring discusses various factors that can lead to alcoholism, including genetics and psychiatric disorders. Key points are the stigma associated with alcoholism, the importance of finding and starting treatment, and what constitutes effective...
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The purpose of this book is to explain addiction and to help families and friends to deal with it successfully. People who are struggling with addiction can also use this book to understand their situation and the resources that are available to help them. And people who are wondering if they might have an addiction can use it to get a better sense of the nature and depth of their potential problem. Part I explains the science behind addiction. Part...
8) TEENS 101
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At the age of 13, a boy approached Cristina asking her to be his girlfriend. She declined the boy’s offer and he became angry, threatening that she would regret it. One day Cristina came to school and everyone eyed her every move. Whispers in ears and people laughing at her, she felt something was terribly wrong. A friend finally told her this boy had circulated a nude photo on line saying that it was Cristina although the person’s face was not...
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In this episode of Whatever! The Science of Teens, host Steve Cannane meets some teens with diverse backgrounds who are all known for a particular character trait: moodiness. Parents complain about how their perfectly sensible, lovable children turn into volatile, irrational adolescents seemingly overnight. The latest science shows that typical teenage negative moods aren’t only inevitable, but they are especially helpful and beneficial for growing...
People who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin at age 21. This program focuses on three teenagers-Trisha, ChiQuita, and Matt-as they candidly reflect on their first tastes of alcohol, how they got hooked on getting drunk, and how they finally summoned the strength to stop drinking, once and for all. Interviews with experienced addiction counselors stress easy availability and societal...
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Addiction to painkillers is a national epidemic. It kills 115 Americans every day. Painkiller overdose is now the leading cause of death among people under fifty. But, life doesn't come with an instruction manual on what to do if you're in the clutches of addiction. And because most people are ashamed of their addiction, they are reluctant to seek help. Now, 101 Things to Know if You're Addicted to Painkillers cuts to the chase, offering "bare bones"...
12) Recovery Basics
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People find that almost every aspect of their life is uprooted and disrupted once they begin recovery, and these changes can be radical and far-reaching. Being well prepared during this transition dramatically increases the odds of a successful recovery. This program helps to smooth the transition by equipping those in recovery with the strategies and tools they need, when small choices can have big consequences. Mental health expert Amanda Klinger,...
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People in recovery often are trying to be the best parent possible in the absence of strong family support or role models. This program offers advice and tools from educators, counselors, and parents who have unique perspectives, because they have also struggled with the same parenting challenges. Topics covered include discovering your parenting style, setting boundaries, parenting while navigating through trauma, and more. Ideal for a variety of...
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In this engaging video, young people in recovery discuss how working a Twelve Step program helps them in their recovery journey. The video also addresses what is a Twelve Step group; how to find a home group; what happens at a meeting; what to expect at your first meeting; and finding a sponsor. Each of the Twelve Steps is discussed in turn by young people in recovery, who share their personal stories about how working the steps has helped them to...
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[2005], c1999
This video examines the use and abuse of anabolic steroids and GHB, a synthetic steroid-like substance and date-rape drug. Former NFL player Charles Hunt and a pharmacist, a police officer, an addiction counselor, a trainer, a swim coach, a recovering abuser, and others explore the history and biological effects of steroids, using case studies and personal experience to probe anabolic steroid abuse and the drug's many side effects. Some of these side...
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People in recovery often struggle with relationships, and sexual relationships can present some of the biggest challenges. This program offers advice from experts who address physical sexual health (including sexually transmitted diseases, exams, and pregnancy); mental sexual health (including issues of trust, security, self-image, and confidence); and abuse (including identifying different forms of abuse, healthy boundaries, and regaining empowerment...
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