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Conozca a los padres con diversos planes de parto, como usar una clínica de partos independiente y un parto sin medicamentos. También aprenderá sobre las doulas y cómo están capacitadas en técnicas de manejo del dolor para orientarla durante el trabajo de parto.
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Este segundo volumen del conjunto Manejo del dolor enseña a los futuros padres varias formas en que pueden manejar el dolor, de forma medicada, incluidos los beneficios y los riesgos. Volumen 2: Analgésicos y epidurales cubre: analgésicos y descripción general y procedimiento de la epidural, los beneficios y riesgos de la epidural y el trabajo de parto con una epidural.
Pub. Date
[2012], c2010
Millions of Americans suffer every day from chronic pain, ranging from mild to severe. These symptoms can interfere with the quality of their daily lives. In this program, patients are empowered to learn about the fundamental obstacles associated with treating chronic pain and about some of latest and most effective treatment options available. The program also examines clinical trials and the continued ongoing research into safer and more effective...
Pub. Date
[2013], c2003
Dr. Leora Kuttner, an award-winning filmmaker and an international expert in pediatric pain management, brings us this groundbreaking and comprehensive look at the emerging field of pediatric palliative care. At the film's heart are five remarkable young people who speak with profound clarity and wisdom about being alive and their approach to death. Layering their stories with interviews, the film is a unique portrait of how families and professionals...
11) What Is Pain?
Pub. Date
Learn how your nerve cells signal pain to your brain, and understand the difference between chronic and acute pain.
Pub. Date
[2012], c2010
From public health to history and anthropology, African historian Julie Livingston takes an innovative stance on improving conditions for African patients and clinical staff, particularly those dealing with cancer and issues of pain and palliation. With Fulbright-Hays and Rutgers University fellowships, Livingston has built her body of work on over a decade of research, mainly in Botswana, exploring questions of disability, chronic illness, aging,...
Pub. Date
Traditional healing is used around the world—from acupuncture, to laying on of hands, to yoga. How do these alternative remedies work to heal the body and the brain? As part of our series ScienceScope and in cooperation with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the NewsHour’s Nsikan Akpan ventures to Oaxaca, Mexico, to dive into the neuroscience of expectation.
18) Second Opinion
Schizoaffective disorder is a form of psychosis and a mental illness in which a person experiences a combination of schizophrenia symptoms. People affected often have hallucinations or delusions, as well as mood disorder symptoms such as mania or depression. We meet Lynne Fisher, whose life was turned upside down by the onset of this illness, as she battled through five years of symptoms to find a treatment plan that enables her to live a constructive...
20) Anesthesia
Pub. Date
[2013], c2010
Anesthesia simply means a loss of sensation and usually of consciousness, typically needed in the event of surgery. This helps to keep a patient still, unable to feel pain, and safely unaware of the procedure taking place. This easy-to-understand overview of anesthesia helps patients understand what to expect and how to prepare for any procedure. The video includes visuals of actual equipment in an operating room setting.
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