Helen McCrory
Pub. Date
Business is booming for Birmingham's Peaky Blinders gang, but that's not enough for its dangerous leader, Tommy Shelby. As Shelby battles to keep a strong hold on his evil underworld, he risks his life encroaching on the turf of volatile gang leader Alfie Solomons. Prepare for action as ambition, corruption, violence, and desire collide.
2) The Queen
Pub. Date
The Queen begins with a familiar epigraph "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" - Henry IV, Part II. The action of the film takes place during the week following the death, on August 31, 1997 of Diana, Princess of Wales. One of its accomplishments, courtesy of adroit use of newsreel and other contemporary footage, is to remind viewers of the deep sadness that surrounded that event. It is also about the divergent and potentially ruinous ways the...
Pub. Date
A world scoop about the deception which fooled Hitler about the Normandy landings of 1944. In a tale of double agents and decoys, the investigation reveals, for the first time, the identity of the most secret of them all: George VI, as well as how the royal family managed to lose one of Britain's greatest secrets.
6) Roadkill
Pub. Date
Peter Laurence is a political outsider who is very popular with the people. Fresh from a successful libel case against a journalist printing stories alleging corruption, he's a man on the rise. But Peter has plenty of skeletons in his closet. And soon he discovers another - an illegitimate daughter serving a prison sentence. It's a secret that could ruin him. And one, apparently, that his Prime Minister already knows.
Pub. Date
2004, 2000.
"This richly detailed film charts the tragic romantic triangle formed when the dashing Count Vronsky defies social conventions and falls into forbidden love with Anna, the ignored wife of an aristocrat. Soon, Anna's children--a son by Karenin and an illegitimate daughter by Vronsky--become pawns in Karenin's game to see that Anna pays a terrible price for her indiscretion."--Container.